Are you sometimes embarassed by your dog's behaviour?

You love your dog and enjoy your time together, snuggling on the sofa, playing games of fetch & early morning walks in the forest, but there are behaviours creeping in that have started making walks less than enjoyable and sometimes outright embarrassing

Has your dog ever

Dogs don't grow out of their unwanted behaviours, they grow into them.

Start training now, not later

What is our training approach?

Our unique approach to training uses modern, science-based training utilising motivational training methods - with an added twist that we'll even show you how to transfer the training to the real world using real clients dogs!


We run monthly training challenges to keep you focused on your training and provide you with easily achievable goals.


With the whole community behind you for support, you can share your training journey with other like-minded dog owners and get feedback from the trainers in real-time